Is your office located in the Luxembourg Corporate Center?

You’ve just discovered one of it’s best kept secrets!

Back in 1999, through a series of lucky events, we were able to obtain a very fast fiber-optic Internet connection into Luxembourg to power our large customer base of dial-up Internet customers at the time. It was a unique situation where PECO Electric leveraged their railroad right-of-ways to bring fiber to suburban Philadelphia. With a major Internet “on-ramp”, also known as a NAP, located right on Broad St in Philadelphia… the connection from Luxembourg is just one step away from the Internet backbone. What does this mean? Well, consider having direct access to the Internet without having to compete with everyone else in the area or have your data bounce around other networks to eventually reach you.

Word quickly spread through the Luxembourg complex that StarLinX had this fast Internet service, and everyone wanted in on it.  Comcast was not an option at that time. In fact, even Comcast was one of our customers!

While the dial-up Internet service is now gone, we’re still in business and going strong. And, like you, we need fast/reliable Internet service for our business more than ever before.

Most of the offices in Luxembourg still connect to the Internet via that fast fiber pipeline to the Internet. Some even use it as a second connection, for redundancy!

* Note, this service is only available within the Luxembourg Corporate Center / Langhorne, PA *

Introducing NETSurfer

NETsurfer is just $79.95/month with no extra fees or service contracts. You won’t need to rent any equipment, or buy any unnecessary add-ons. You even get a Static IP# at no charge (that would be $20/mo extra from Comcast!).

Service speeds are up to 500Mbps bi-directional. NETsurfer is a commercial-grade Internet connectivity powered by Lumen (formerly Level3) over fiber optic circuitry. It’s essentially a direct connection right to the regional on-ramp to the Internet.

It’s that simple.

If your business needs a primary (or backup) connection to the Internet… the best kept secret is right under your nose. We hope you’ll take advantage of this and help support what has proven to be a tremendous success for the past 25+ years for the occupants of Luxembourg Corporate Center.

More than likely your office is already wired for service. To get started, click the button below to send a message or call 215.579.0589. We can usually get you up and running within a few days or less.